About Stri

  • Our Mission
  • Our Vision
  • Inception

Grief can strike anyone, anytime. Something which most of us are not prepared for. The loss of a spouse can be quite life changing.

This community aims at providing a social support system which promotes healthy grieving and enables widows to re-establish the emotional stability.

The loss of a spouse should not be a stumbling block. It paves the way for a New Normal.

Stri envisages a society that is non-judgmental, empathetic and supportive towards widows which in turn empowers them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Solace and Encouragement are privileges. Especially when you have lost your spouse and are struggling with undefinable emotions, lifestyle changes and an anxiety about what the future holds.

Stri is an initiative to extend support to widows through a social community. A support system that allows them to embark on a healing process and eventually come out of the it triumphant.

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Widows worldwide
Widows in India

Meet usha narayan

Theirs was a fairy tale. In love, in tandem. Two adorable boys. A promised togetherness. Essel and Usha. One fine January morning in 2014, he went to the gym and suddenly collapsed on the cross trainer. No warnings. Gone within a few seconds.

The medical fraternity came up with many theories as to why it happened. None of them were satisfying enough. She felt the futility of finding the reason behind the death of her husband. Instead she chose to live the gift of life which she had.

Their love would have no meaning if she did not embrace change and live each day to the fullest. Carpe Diem.

As she started her journey as a widow, living alone with her two children, she saw that widows were a taboo in our society. Most people did not know what to say. People think life comes to a standstill with widowhood. Young widows were worse. They got all the sympathies, hardly any support. It was best to shut them in a closet and pretend that they do not exist.

Happiness cannot be faked. She had to find ways and means to be happy. She had to grieve. And accept the new normal that she found herself in.

She was very fortunate to receive immense love and support from her family and friends. The biggest asset she realized was the people that she had in her ecosystem.

Unconditional love is rare they say. She found herself smothered in it. Non-judgmental support is a farce they say. She found herself surrounded by it.

Stri is a small effort to take forward the support and love that she received to widows who are not as fortunate.

Based out of Bangalore, Usha Narayan is an Educationist, an Entrepreneur, a Pedagogist, a Social Activist for Women and Children, a Fitness Enthusiast, an ardent Baker and a tanguera.